IC in the Blogosphere Presents:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

State of the Tech Union for Small Business – The “Should Have” List

As promised, this post finishes up our State of the Tech Union series with a more substantial look at the latest tech concepts that you should be thinking about and implementing for the future growth of your business. In the first post, I outlined that going mobile and accounting for influence are two important concepts to be considering. This is why they deserve attention:

Going Mobile: People want easy. Your customers and potential customers want it too and that translates to being able to contact your business and utilize your services on the go. If the service between you and your competitors is truly comparable, offering a choice that is even a little easier is a factor that can catapult your business and give you an advantage in the options war. Plus, mobile apps are cool and fun and can be made into anything you want or need them to be. Starting down the path to mobile inclusion will take some effort and time, but it’s definitely worth thinking about now.

Considering Influence: “Influence” is one of the latest buzz terms. Everyone seems to be trying to measure it. Although the jury is still out on how all these measurements can be applied to marketing strategies for business purposes, it’s certainly not going away. Influence isn’t new. It has been around for a long time in the form of word of mouth communication. Mouths have now turned into online reviews and social media comments. But, as it’s always been, some people are more talkative than others. These are the influencers and they are demanding more attention and reaching a larger global audience than ever before.

Thanks for following our first post series! We have more exciting posts in the works starting next week, but we’d love to hear your thoughts and comments. Let us know what you think and come connect to us on Twitter and Facebook.

About the Author: Jandee Ferland is the Social Network Engineer at IC. She is an avid fan of any technology that makes life a little easier and can often be found checking out new apps, posting on Twitter (@ICtweet), or learning how to podcast.

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