IC in the Blogosphere Presents:

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Devices We Love – And Not Just on Valentine’s Day

Over the last few years it has become increasingly apparent that many of us have new additions in our lives that we have grown to not only love, but also find hard to live without. We rush to them as soon as we wake up. We secretly check them during our lunch break and one last time before we go to sleep. We look to them for advice and recommendations. We stop to check in with them when we are out with friends. We rely on them for directions and depend on them for the latest news. The evidence is clear: electronic and mobile devices are the new loves of our lives.

We’ve become a cult of addicts and everyone has a drug of choice. From iPhones and Droids to tablets and Kindles, we just can’t seem to help ourselves.  And the worst part is, there is always something new and better that we just absolutely NEED to have…the minute it is released! This condition, long associated with children in the era of shameless toy commercials aired during Saturday morning cartoons, now has full grown adults drooling at events such as the Consumer Electronics Show each year. 

But all is not lost. More and more, we are coming back to our senses and putting things in perspective. The priorities of family activities and spending quality time unplugged are slowing coming back into vogue. People are getting the message that certain tech products can be used to free up time to get back to more physical endeavors and interpersonal conversations, instead of Facebook updating and Guitar Hero. There is a time and place for everything, including technology and mobile devices, but the wise know that balance and moderation is everything.

What is the tech device that you can't live without?  Let us know on Twitter and Facebook!

About the Author: Jandee Ferland is the Social Network Engineer at IC. She is an avid fan of any technology that makes life a little easier and can often be found checking out new apps, posting on Twitter (@ICtweet), or learning how to podcast.

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